


Thanks to data and tips provided by Patrick van der Wel, I've now
(hopefully correctly) added in support for pseudo 3D data (and in theory
pseudo ND data) in NMRPipe.  (Such support already existed for Azara
format.)  It seems that NMRPipe specifies the nucleus type to be ID for
these pseudo dimensions.  So now the program will detect this.

The Analysis program still only reads the full NMRPipe single-file format,
not the multi-file format.  But to get at the values automatically you
need to access the multi files (since only one value, for the first plane,
is stored in the single file).  So when you select the single file in
OpenSpectrumPopup it will bring up a dialog asking if it really is pseudo
3D (and if not it will remove the offending dimension) and what the values
of the planes are.  You can either type in the values by hand, in which
case you don't need access to the multi files at all, or let the values be
fetched from the multi files after you specify the directory and template
(with the %03d) for the files.

(You will see that the "template" label in that dialog is a button.  If
you hit that button it will let you select a file in the relevant
directory.  Just select any of the multi files and hit ok.  Then edit the
name to replace the 001, or whatever, with %03d.  This could try an be a
bit cleverer and do that replacement automatically but I haven't put that
in yet.)

I have also updated the pipe2azara script, which is capable of dealing
with the multi-file format, so that it automatically determines the values
if you give it the multi-file template.  This script will actually block
the data, so has some advantage over importing the single-file NMRPipe
data into Analysis.  So, first convert the data to Azara format and then
import into Analysis.  (Well, for smallish data files this is no great
advantage.)  (I also fixed an unrelated bug in pipe2azara.)

At some point we ought to add in a way of specifying that the other file
formats, besides Azara and NMRPipe, are pseudo ND and bring up a similar
dialog, except that the values would have to be definitely entered by
