

John Bruning wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions regarding SAD.  Can one use Scaleit to initially 
> analyze anomolous data when doing SAD (ie to get the scaleit.summary 
> statistics)?  How does one properly prepare the flags and mtz file for 
> SAD (ie what program to convert the sca file to mtz and properly; I am 
> coming from scalepack where I used the anomalous button clicked on)?
> Thanks
1) To get an mtz file just convert merged data - it will output
h k l Fmean SIGFmean Dano SigDano F+ SigF+ F- SIGF- Imean etc

Then you can run scaleit giving
FP and FPH1=Fmean


 From the GUI say you also want to
include anomalous data for each derivative
That allos you to inspect the diffs between F+ and F-
