

Marx and Philosophy Society Annual Conference 2007

The Justification of Socialism

Saturday 19th May 2007, 9.00am - 5.30pm
Nunn Hall, Institute of Education, University of London
20 Bedford Way, London WC1


Raj Sehgal (Roehampton)
'Karl Marx's Scientific Socialism: A Defence'

Norman Geras (Manchester)
'How is Socialism to be Justified?'

G.M. Tamas (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
'A Justification for Socialism'

Alex Callinicos (Kings College London)
'How Big is Marxism's Moral Deficit?'

Graduate panel: Gabriel Wollner (Oxford), Charlotte Daub (Sussex), Simon
Choat (Queen Mary University of London)

£10 waged, £5 unwaged, payable at the door (provides annual membership
of the society and entrance)

To reserve a place in advance please email
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