

Information Skills & Staff Development: Are you doing enough?

Information skills are essential for staff in any modern organisation. This subsidised workshop will enable you to:

- Understand the importance of information skills staff development
- Assess your current provision
- Plan strategies for addressing the needs of your staff

Places are still available for workshops on the following dates:

17th April 	Bristol
3rd May 	Oxford
10th May 	Manchester

See the following page for more details:

** Places are subsidised for HE/FE participants - only £45 to attend **

Quotes from past participants:
"A useful workshop helping to boost initiatives required at my college"
"Excellent workshop - thank you very much."
"Very useful!"

Best wishes
Helen Conroy

Helen Conroy, Netskills Trainer
ISS, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU
Tel: 0191 222 5002 Fax: 0191 222 5001