

I have carried out an ANCOVA in SPM2 in 2 groups and identified several
clusters where GM is increased in gr1 compared to gr2. I would now like
to investigate whether verbal fluency scores are correlated with GM in
those areas where GM in gr1 is decreased. Is it possible to run a
regression analysis only in the areas of GM difference. I thought this
was analogous to masking - but in results I am only given the chioce of
masking with other contrasts, in this case the results of the
correlation not the ANCOVA.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.

Best wishes
Dr Chiara Nosarti PhD, Lecturer in Cognitive Neuropsychology, Division
of Psychological Medicine, Room M5.01.05 Section of General Psychiatry,
PO Box 63, Institute of Psychiatry
16 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill,
London SE5 8AF, UK
Tel: 0207 848 0133
Fax: 0207 701 9044