Dear Spm'ers,


I am performing routine analysis of T1 and EPI imgs in SPM5, Matlab 7.0.1 (Windows XP) but invariably run out of memory at the segmentation phase.

I perform integrated segmentation/normalisation using Christian Gaser's toolbox, and then intend to normalise the epi's through 'normalise – write' applying the parameter file from the segmentation step.

I select 'estimate and write', and the error seems to be caused somewhere at Markov Random Field estimation. At this stage the _seg_inv_sn.mat and _seg_sn.mat as well as the .img and   .hdr files for each class have been written out , yet .img are empty (zeroK& .hdr is 1K).


So I wonder:

-         could I possibly prevent this by adapting HMRF weighting, and if so what factor would be advisable?

-         Are the seg_(inv)_sn.mat files definitely finalised at this stage or are pars still being written/adaped? So eager to continue analyzing ;), I applied the par files for normalisation and resulting imgs 'seem OK', so I suppose all required parameters have been written but perhaps still being adapted?

-         I have been suggested to switch to Linux, spm5 unified segmentation being somewhat intensive, yet this is not an option. Would increasing RAM (eg to 3) be helpful for analysing longitudinal multi-subject VBM?



Kind regards,




Working on DOCA_T1_anat

Applying HMRF with weighting of 0.30

??? Error using ==> mrdivide

Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.


Error in ==> cg_preproc_write>preproc_apply at 166

            tmp = double(dat{k1})/255;


Error in ==> cg_preproc_write at 27



Error in ==> cg_config_vbm>execute_estwrit at 605



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1379



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1387



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1387



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct1 at 1387



Error in ==> spm_jobman>run_struct at 1346



??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.