

Yeah, I do, & it's a lot of down & dirty fun too.

Dennis is a Winnipeg poet, who has published a lot of books, & been a 
mentor to many younger writers there. I mentioned the book before, 
Seeing Red (Turnstone Press 2003) (& I'm sure you can find it on 
Amazon, especially the Canadian one). He likes to take on 'subjects' or 
characters sometimes, & then play them for all they're worth, often 
introducing the character of 'cooley' into the mix; which does play 
hell with that so-thought-of lyric I....

On 6-Mar-07, at 9:06 AM, MC Ward wrote:

> Why, thank you, Doug.
> Who is Dennis Cooley and where can I find his work
> (especially his vampire work)?
> Btw, how do you like Le Fanu's _Carmilla_? It's one of
> my favorites.
Douglas Barbour
11655 - 72 Avenue NW
Edmonton  Ab  T6G 0B9
(780) 436 3320

Latest book: Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

& then your body
one long bone
blood mists around
			& in
singing clear as glass
		     as alone

	Dennis Cooley