

Hello list
I suggest that one of the best ways to raise the OH profile is via either the AOHNP or the RCNs OH Forum. Give your time and effort in a structured supportive environment. 
My most recent experience is of the board of the AOHNP and I acquired several skills, increased networking, contributed national policy advice, helped with feeding back OHNP opinions to NMC /UKCC on various issues and gained a lot of insight into business. I believe there is still a student position where a current student can sit on the board, observing and participating, helping with the organisation of the study day etc, without having too much responsibility thrust upon them (as they will be busy studying as well).Just contact your chosen organisation and ask how you might help. It might be writing an article for the journal, or acting as a " meet and greet" person at a study day.
Outside of OH circles use every opportunity (parties, the person sitting next to you on the train/plane,) to tell people what you do, and how OH can help organisations to increase profits by reducing loss. I often find conversations about computer use/ aches and pains a useful lead in.. as most people use them) If you are a relative newcomer, get skilled up in presentation techniques, many employers will perceive this as part of your role and assist with training, and you can use the techniques for the benefit of OH as well as your employment role.
Just a few thoughts...
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