Hi folks,


I am pleased to announce that SCONUL Focus is just bringing together its 40th issue.


As life begins at 40 (allegedly) we are putting together a future-looking themed issue.  And who better to fantasise about –as well as fashion- the future than those on the ‘right’ side of 40 who are going to be the profession’s future?  (Am I starting to sound like your granddad yet?).


Anyway, we’d love to hear what you think the future of the profession –specifically from a college, national and university perspective- will look like: 


  • What will libraries look like? 
  • What will be real and what virtual? 
  • What will make for a successful service? 
  • What roles will information professionals have (assuming we survive) and what skills do we need to develop (to make sure we do survive)?


These are just a few questions to focus the mind but you may have other ideas.


I am hoping colleagues can come up with short and snappy essays of around 100-200 words.  What we are hoping to do is then put together a collection of viewpoints.  For an example of what this might look like check out our previous article “What made me the librarian I am” in issue 36 (Winter 2005) (go to www.sconul.ac.uk, click on the Focus icon and follow the links).  I know it is sometimes difficult to get published and this might be a relatively painless way of entering into a professional forum (and boosting your CPD portfolio to boot!)


If you could get me your visions of the future by 14 April that would be great.  Please send direct to [log in to unmask] rather than reply to this email. Thanks.


Do get in touch if you need more info.


I look forward to hearing from you …in the future.


Cheers & thanks,




Antony Brewerton

Editor, SCONUL Focus   

Antony Brewerton
Head of Academic Support
The Library
The University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
tel:      +44 (0)24 765 75790
fax:     +44 (0)24 765 24211
email:  [log in to unmask]