Sent on behalf of Elaine Winters: Elaine[log in to unmask]

Please reply to Elaine.

Vicky Schofield-Vollans

Head of Learner Development Unit

Library and Learning Resources

UCE Birmingham

From: Elaine Winters
Sent: 05 March 2007 15:36
To: Vicky Schofield-Vollans
Subject: E-mail for your networking site re Supp f Learning Course

For the last few years we have run a 'Support for Learning' course the week before the beginning of the academic year. This course is a week long intensive course designed to intensively support weaker students before the busyness of the academic year. Once term starts the students still have constant access to our Learner Development Centre and 1:1 tutorials and other ongoing, but less intensive, courses. The subjects covered covered on the course are topics such as academic reading, academic writing and presentation skills.

The following students are targeted:

a) students who have just 'scraped in' to the university: some of these may come through clearing, or some may have an offer, but would be at the lowest level of the entry requirements. Some of these may be mature students who have had a break from education.

b) students who have failed their first year, done the necessary re-takes and are now entering their second year

At present the course is run on a small scale, with a maximum of about 30 students for the whole university. 

We would appreciate some feedback from you on this subject and have the following questions for you:

1. Do you run a similar type of course? If so, what sort of numbers do you have?

2. Do you make completion of this course a condition of entry?

3. Do you run it as an intensive week-long course like we do?

4.How do your market your course to ensure that the students who really need it come on it?

Thank you for your feedback.