

My instruction was to delete the old db. So it should not exist anymore. 
This deletion was really required in the case of our corruption.


--On vendredi 9 mars 2007 19:26 +0100 Adam Padee <[log in to unmask]> 

> Hi Michel and all unfortunate DPM autoupdaters;
> Michel Jouvin wrote:
>> We had such a problem. This means you have corrupted the DPM database.
>> The only solution is :
>> - mysqldump database
>> - Delete database
>> - Create a new fresh database
>> - Restore dump
> After restoration of the dump I also had to do the following:
> mysql dpm_db -u dpmmgr -p
> mysql> DROP INDEX G_PFN_IDX ON dpm_get_filereq;
> mysql> DROP INDEX P_PFN_IDX ON dpm_put_filereq;
> This had to be done before executing the update script, because it tries
> to make these indices without checking if they already exist. As they
> were present in the old database, the script failed.
> Best regards,
> Adam

     * Michel Jouvin                 Email : [log in to unmask] *
     * LAL / CNRS                    Tel : +33 1 64468932        *
     * B.P. 34                       Fax : +33 1 69079404        *
     * 91898 Orsay Cedex                                         *
     * France                                                    *