

>>> On 02/03/2007 at 11:02, in message, Mark
Tysom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thanks for pointing that out Mark, it's an important consideration.
> pass that on to the web team.
> We're working on an FAQ/What would my institution have to set up to
> able to join? sort of document and I'll send round a link to it once
> have it.


Now that is music to my ears!

At Dundee we're at the early stages of looking at a Shibboleth
deployment (I joined this list a couple of days ago)  and I've been
doing a trawl of the matu, ukfederation and early adopter websites
getting very frustrated that I can't really find any concrete direction
on what we need to do.  There is some good documentation to be found and
I am accumulating quite a pile of it, (thanks for the pointers, Nicole) 
but something rather more pithy would be nice:

Basically I'm looking for something which will tell us:

What deploying shibboleth will actually achieve for us and our users
What software we need to deploy
What hardware we need to spec to deploy it on
What configuration effort will be required to set it all up
What ongoing maintenance and ongoing administration effort will be
What _other software_ we should look at deploying as well?  SSO?
What other questions I should have asked and will regret not having
asked later :-)

I was wondering what resources will be available from the early adopter
sites to those coming along afterwards, for instance I was very
interested to see references to the Bristol integration of Aleph,
Metalib and SFX, all of which we use (or are about to use) here. 
There's reference to "documentation which ... details a step-by-step
approach to the integration" which I would love to get my hands on but
can't find.   If the early adopters are on this discussion list I would
very much like to correspond.  

Mark, I look forward to your faq asap and would be happy to take a
pre-release copy of the document (what better proof reader can you get
than someone who really does know nothing :-)

Andy Swiffin
Dundee University