
I've been using FSL sucessfully on my desktop PC, but for various reasons I've had to download it onto my laptop.

I've followed the instructions on the FSL installations pages, but I'm coming across two problems which I was wondering if some computer-literate person might be able to help me with. (I can't find the answers to this on-line or in the FSL archives, or in the lay-person unfriendly Cygwin FAQ pages).

1.  How do you change the name of your file in 'home'.  Mine automatically comes up with the name of my computer, which isn't ideal, and I would like to change it to a simpler name.  I've looked on my PC (which is working) in the C:\cygwin_new\home\Suzanna\bash_profile and C:\cygwin_new\usr\local\fsl\etc\fslconf but I can't see an obvious place to change the name.

2.  When I try and launch FSL from within cygwin I get the following:

$ fsl
Bash: fsl: command not found

What do I need to do for cygwin to 'find' fsl?
