

Slavic Review 
Volume 66
Number 1 -Spring 2007


"Soft" Area Studies versus "Hard" Social Science: A False Opposition
Loren Graham and Jean-Michel Kantor  1

Hungary's Anti-Semitic Provinces: Violence and Ritual Murder in the 1880s
Robert Nemes  20

Between Sacrifice and Indulgence: Nikolai Nekrasov as a Model for the
Konstantine Klioutchkine  45

Novelizing Religious Experience: The Generic Landscape of The Brothers
Kate Holland  63

Light in Captivity: Spectacular Glass and Soviet Power in the 1920s and
Julia Bekman Chadaga    82

Jochen Hellbeck, Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary under Stalin (Ronald
Grigor Suny)  106

Jan T. Gross, Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz. An Essay in
Historical Interpretation (Padraic Kenney)  108

Almut Bues, ed., Zones of Fracture in Modern Europe: The Baltic Countries,
the Balkans, and Northern Italy / Zone di frattura in epoca moderna: Il
Baltico, i Balcani e l'Italia settentrionale (Stefano Bianchini)  111

Rosalind Galt, The New European Cinema: Redrawing the Map (Dina Iordanova)

Derek S. Hutcheson and Elena A. Korosteleva, eds., The Quality of Democracy
in Post-Communist Europe (Chris Hasselmann)  113

Savely Senderovich, The Riddle of the Riddle: A Study of the Folk Riddle's
Figurative Nature (Alex Edward Alexander)  114

Christopher Hann and Paul Robert Magocsi, eds., Galicia: A Multicultured
Land (Alison Frank)  115

Krzysztof A. Makowski, Si³a mitu: ¯ydzi w Poznañskiem w dobie zaborów w
pi¶miennictwie historycznym (Keely Stauter-Halsted)  117

Theodore R. Weeks, From Assimilation to Antisemitism: The "Jewish Question"
in Poland, 1850-1914 (Daniel Blatman)  118

Nancy Sinkoff, Out of the Shtetl: Making Jews Modern in the Polish
Borderlands (Daniel Stone)  119

Marci Shore, Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation's Life and Death in
Marxism, 1918-1968 (Catherine Epstein)  121

George Sanford, Katyn and the Soviet Massacre of 1940: Truth, Justice and
Memory (Marc Jansen)  122

Timothy Snyder, Sketches from a Secret War: A Polish Artist's Mission to
Liberate Soviet Ukraine (David R. Marples)  123

Shana Penn, Solidarity's Secret: The Women Who Defeated Communism in Poland
(Michael Bernhard)  124

Janelle A. Kerlin, Social Service Reform in the Postcommunist State:
Decentralization in Poland (Susan Rose-Ackerman)  125

Michael Düring and Ulrike Jekutsch, eds., Stanis³aw Lem-Mensch, Denker,
Schriftsteller: Beiträge einer deutsch-polnischen Konferenz im Jahr 2000 in
Greifswald und Szczecin (Yvonne Howell)  126

Thomas Wünsch and Andrzej Janeczek, eds., On the Frontier of Latin Europe:
Integration and Segregation in Red Ruthenia, 1350-1600 / An der Grenze des
lateinischen Europa: Integration und Segregation in Rotreußen, 1350-1600
(Paul W. Knoll)  128

Martin Schulze Wessel, Loyalitäten in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik
1918-1938: Politische, nationale und kulturelle Zugehörigkeiten (Daniel E.
Miller)  129

David Short, ed., Bohumil Hrabal (1914-97): Papers from a Symposium (Alfred
Thomas)  130

András Bozóki and Miklós Sükösd, Anarchism in Hungary: Theory, History,
Legacies (Lee Congdon)  131

Beverly A. James, Imagining Postcommunism: Visual Narratives of Hungary's
1956 Revolution (György Csepeli)  132

William O. Oldson, The Politics of Rite: Jesuit, Uniate, and Romanian
Ethnicity in 18th Century Transylvania (Paul E. Michelson)  134

Annette Freyberg-Inan with Radu Cristescu, The Ghosts in Our Classrooms, or:
John Dewey Meets Ceauºescu: The Promise and the Failures of Civic Education
in Romania (Tom Gallagher)  135

Bo¾idar Jezernik, Wild Europe: The Balkans in the Gaze of Western Travellers
(Mary Neuburger)  136

Donna A. Buchanan, Performing Democracy: Bulgarian Music and Musicians in
Transition (Carole Pegg)  137

Tomislav Longinoviæ, Vampires Like Us: Writing Down "the serbs" (Jan Louis
Perkowski)  138

David J. Galbreath, Nation-Building and Minority Politics in Post-Socialist
States: Interests, Influences, and Identities in Estonia and Latvia,
foreword, David J. Smith (Andrejs Plakans)  139

Dovile Budryte, Taming Nationalism? Political Community Building in the
Post-Soviet Baltic States (Kristian Gerner)  140

Fikret Adanir and Bernd Bonwetsch, eds., Osmanismus, Nationalismus und der
Kaukasus: Muslime und Christen, Türken und Armenier im 19. und 20.
Jahrhundert (Mustafa Aksakal)  141

Michael Kemper, Herrschaft, Recht und Islam in Daghestan: Von den Khanaten
und Gemeindebünden zum gihad-Staat (Moshe Gammer)  143

David MacFadyen, Russian Culture in Uzbekistan: One Language in the Middle
of Nowhere (William Fierman)  144

Martha Brill Olcott, Central Asia's Second Chance (Gary Bertsch)  145

Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Russian Identities: A Historical Survey (Peter C.
Pozefsky)  146

Alexander Polunov, Russia in the Nineteenth Century: Autocracy, Reform, and
Social Change, 1814-1914, ed. Thomas C. Owen and Larissa Zakharova, trans.
Marshall S. Shatz (William G. Wagner)  147

John D. Basil, Church and State in Late Imperial Russia: Critics of the
Synodal System of Church Government (1861-1914) (Paul Werth)  149

Andrei Val'terovich Grinev, The Tlingit Indians in Russian America,
1741-1867, trans. Richard L. Bland and Katerina G. Solovjova (Lydia T.
Black)  150

Maks [Max] Engman, Finliandtsy v Peterburge, trans. from the Swedish by A.
I. Rupasov (George E. Munro)  150

Natal'ia Selunskaia and Rol'f Toshtendal' [Torstendahl], Zarozhdenie
demokraticheskoi kul'tury: Rossiia v nachale XX veka (G. M. Hamburg)  151

Michael Melancon, The Lena Goldfields Massacre and the Crisis of the Late
Tsarist State (Henry Reichman)  153

Jochen Hellbeck and Klaus Heller, eds., Autobiographical Practices in Russia
/ Autobiographische Praktiken in Russland (Benjamin M. Sutcliffe)  154

Daniel Bertaux, Paul Thompson, and Anna Rotkirch, eds., Living through the
Soviet System (Frederick C. Corney)  155

Derek Watson, Molotov: A Biography (Eric Duskin)  157

Roger R. Reese, Red Commanders: A Social History of the Soviet Army Officer
Corps, 1918-1991 (John Bushnell)  158

Marcel de Haas, Russian Security and Air Power, 1992-2002: The Development
of Russian Security Thinking under Yeltsin and Putin and Its Consequences
for the Air Forces (Stephen J. Cimbala)  159

Olaf Mertelsmann, ed., Vom Hitler-Stalin-Pakt bis zu Stalins Tod: Estland,
1939-1953 (Olavi Arens)  160

John Barber and Andrei Dzeniskevich, eds., Life and Death in Besieged
Leningrad, 1941-44 (Mary Schaeffer Conroy)  162

Thomas C. Wolfe, Governing Soviet Journalism: The Press and the Socialist
Person after Stalin (Jonathan A. Becker)  163

Martin A. Smith, Russia and NATO since 1991: From Cold War through Cold
Peace to Partnership? (Sean Kay)  165

Uri Ra'anan, ed., Flawed Succession: Russia's Power Transfer Crises,
foreword, Robert Conquest (Anthony D'Agostino)  166

Andrew Wilson, Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World
(Michael McFaul)  167

Michele Rivkin-Fish, Women's Health in Post-Soviet Russia: The Politics of
Intervention (William C. Cockerham)  168

Wolfgang Stephan Kissel, Der Kult des toten Dichters und die russische
Moderne: Pu¹kin-Blok-Majakovskij (Olga P. Hasty)  169

Sophia Manns, Unreliable Narration in der russischen Literatur: F. M.
Dostoevskijs Zapiski iz podpol'ja und V. V. Erofeevs Moskva-petu¹ki im
Vergleich (Valeria Z. Nollan)  170

Chester Dunning with Caryl Emerson, Sergei Fomichev, Lidiia Lotman, and
Antony Wood, The Uncensored Boris Godunov: The Case for Pushkin's Original
Comedy, with Annotated Text and Translation (J. Douglas Clayton)  171

David Powelstock, Becoming Mikhail Lermontov: The Ironies of Romantic
Individualism in Nicholas I's Russia (Lewis Bagby)  172

Gary Rosenshield, Western Law, Russian Justice: Dostoevsky, the Jury Trial,
and the Law (Gary Cox)  173

Boris Pil'niak, Korni iaponskogo solntsa: Boris Pil'niak v Iaponii, 1926,
ed. Dani Gravelli (Michael Falchikov)  174

Patrick Sériot, ed., Un paradigme perdu: La linguistique marriste (Lenore
Grenoble)  176

Iurii Leving, Vokzal-Garazh-Angar: Vladimir Nabokov i poetika russkogo
urbanizma (Jennifer Day)  176

Wolfgang Weitensteiner, Das andere Leben: Zeit und Erinnerung im Werk Jurij
Trifonovs (Joseph P. Mozur Jr.)  177

Nathan D. Larson, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Modern Russo-Jewish
Question (Richard Tempest)  179