


Territorios Seville 2007 reaches its 10th edition and we want to celebrate it with a large and extensive musical programme, as well as with several parallel activities. One of them, following the philosophy that has given the identity signs to this Festival, is the organization of Territorios of Solidarity. (see


In 2006, Territorios of Solidarity celebrated a macro concert that gathered together more than 8.000 people at Auditorio de La Cartuja assigning the takings to Andalucía Acoge, a NGO that fights the drama of illegal immigration in our country. 

For 2007, we are organizing an International meeting between social agents and educators working in disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods through musical and/or artistic programmes.

We invite those Communities, NGO's and non-profit Associations that coordinate or carry out projects with the following characteristics: 
*	Performance in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of big cities. 
*	Work with communities on social exclusion risk.
*	Music training programmes or related to the music world.

*	Spread and exchange of experiences performed in different big cities in the whole world. 
*	Analysis and discussion among the parties involved in the common problems of these experiences.
*	Let other communities know the work developed for a possible start-up in their cities of origin.

Where and when : Seville, May 10th to 13th, 2 007

Parallel to this meeting, performances of several musical groups belonging to these projects will take place in one of the public stages of Seville, with other renowned musical groups.  

If you know of some experience of this kind or you are part of it, please, send a short brief or contact us in the following address:
Festival Territorios Sevilla 2007
A/A: Juan Villafruela
Pabellón Real
Plaza de América, s/n
41013 Sevilla (Spain)
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Tel.: 00 34 625 150 812