

> I've got a couple of feature requests. The first concerns the fact that
> when selecting a spectrum in various pop-ups (e.g. referencing or
> contour pop-ups) the spectra are currently always listed in the order in
> which they were originally read into Analysis. Would it be possible to
> change this to the order specified in the Edit Spectra dialog? I have
> currently have lots of (over 80) experiments in my project which
> originate from differently labelled samples and there will be more to
> come. It would really help being able to find the correct spectrum, if I
> could group them by labelling scheme and spectrum type rather than by
> the order in which the spectra were recorded (which unfortunately is not
> always the logical order).

Readily sorted, when I'm back from America.

I think user defined orders are the way to go with maybe some pre-sets
based on type or aphabet.

> The other request may already be covered by "Spectrum window resonance
> lines" in your To-do list, but I wasn't entirely sure. It would be nice
> (especially when dealing with smaller molecules) if resonances which
> have already been assigned could (optionally) be shown along the
> bottom/side of the x/y axes. Sparky has such a feature (option vR) which
> you could have a look at, if you are unsure of what I mean with this.

Yes, this is already planned, and as well as on the axes we will try to
have lines on the spectrum window which will, for example, link side
chain NH2s in and HSQC or all peaks from a residue in a TOCSY. - As this
will be reaonance based there will be no need for the user to fiddle with
line placement.

To some extent resonance 'ticks' exist for 1D spectra which Wayne and I are
currently adding in. We're having a few issues because you can't easily
rotate text in Tk...


 Dr Tim Stevens			Email: [log in to unmask]
 Department of Biochemistry            [log in to unmask]
 University of Cambridge        Phone: +44 1223 766018 (office)
 80 Tennis Court Road	               +44 7816 338275 (mobile)
 Old Addenbrooke's Site 	       +44 1223 364613 (home)
 Cambridge  CB2 1GA	   	WWWeb:
 United Kingdom
------ +NH3CH(CH(CH3)OH)C(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)CH2CH3)C(O)NHCH(CH2CH2SCH3)CO2- -------