

You can do that to some extent by scattering random atoms about and 
calculating phases from them..
Then the centrics will be sensible.
That is how some direct methods programs get their "random starting set" 
of phases..
Depends on how flat you want the starting map to be

David Briggs wrote:
> Hi y'all.
> Excuse that rather "noddy" question, but I've been googling this for 
> hours now and I've finally lost patience...
> How can I generate a random phase set for either a .mtz or .hkl (cns 
> format) reflection file (if possbile with sensible values for centric 
> reflections).
> That's it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------
> David Briggs, PhD.
> Father & Crystallographer
> <>
> iChat AIM ID: DBassophile
> ---------------------------------------
> Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on 
> no account be allowed to do the job. - Douglas Adams