

Hi Flavio,

> I´m SPM begginer. I´m trying to get corpus callosum segmentation. I´ve 
> already got the region segmentation using normalized image. Now, the 
> difficulty is to map the region into un-normalized image. Is there any 
> code that convert a normalize to un-normalize image? I thought that 
> 'spm_write_sn' function should be work, but I didn´t get success. How 
> could I get that? I would appreciate any suggetion.

SPM5 was kindly designed with people like you in mind :) Now all you 
have to do is to segment your images (you probably want the images in 
native space so you can assess white matter only) and use a file called 
filename_seg_inv_sn.mat THis contains the mapping from normalized to 
unnormalized image and can be applied to your mask (write normalized). 
ou can search the spm archives at


for more information: this is always a good point to start :)

Marko Wilke                                            (
                 [log in to unmask]

Universitäts-Kinderklinik              University Children's Hospital
Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)             Dept. III (Pediatric neurology)
             Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1, D - 72076 Tübingen
Tel.: (+49) 07071 29-83416                   Fax: (+49) 07071 29-5473