

Here are the quotations for this week (Feb 11th to 17th):
1. I explored many of the glass-knobbed drawers that lined the walls, tasted some disconcerting drugs, and, by the aid of a few cardamoms, ground ginger, chloric ether, and dilute alcohol, manufactured a new and wildish drink...

'I drenched him then and there with a half cup of waters, which I do not say cure the plague, but are excellent against heaviness of the spirits.'
'What were they?' ...
'White brandy rectified, camphor, cardamoms, ginger, two sorts of pepper, and aniseed.'
'Whew!' said Puck.

The velvety perfumed liquor, between fawn and topaz, neither too sweet nor too dry, creamed in its generous glass. But I knew of no wine composed of the whispers of angels' wings, the breath of Eden, and the foam and pulse of Youth renewed. So I asked what it might be.
'It is champagne,' he said gravely.
The sources of last week's extracts (Feb 4th to 10th) are as follows:
1.  (...'Only Fear shall follow thee, and with a blow that thou canst not see he shall bid thee wait his pleasure'...) This is from "How Fear Came" in The Second Jungle Book
2.  (...'Do you know what Fear is ? Not ordinary fear of insult, injury or death, but abject quivering dread of something that you cannot see...?')   This is from "My Own True Ghost Story" in Wee Willie Winkie
3.  (...'Jack, Jack dear, please forgive me," rang like a wail in my ears, and, after an interval: "It’s all a mistake, a hideous mistake...' )  This is from "The Phantom Rickshaw" in Wee Willie Winkie.
Good wishes to all, John R