

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph Duemer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 8:43 PM
Subject: Debriefing


The secretary returning from the theater

breaks it to the commander-in-chief: We're

getting killed out there, Sir. Getting our

butts kicked, our lunches eaten, our asses

handed to us on a platter, etcetera. We tried

having the marines grow mustaches to show

respect for the cultural norms etcetera, but

the rapes & murders sort of undercut that

initiative, Sir. Sir, there are no good options,

Sir. The president enjoyed the secretary's

nervous military tic of repeating the word

at the beginning & the end of every other

sentence. (He'd been a corporal in Korea.)

Sir, we need another twenty thousand bodies.

Twenty-one thousand to be exact. Or punt.

Actually, Sir, in reality, Sir, there's nothing

another twenty-thousand can do but make

the capitol a little neater as we withdraw.

I never punt, said the president. Where's my

fucking pen? Run it up the middle. Hit it out

of the fucking park. I never fucking punt.

The generals looked grave. Who was this

little puke who never served talking like

he needs a sled to drag around his balls? Let

the record show that the generals looked

grave & that the president never punted.

Let the record also show he put the necessary

bodies on the line & kept them there until

the dunes knelt to Jesus & hell froze over.

Until blood filled all the classrooms of the

universities & all the libraries were burned.

Let the record show that the president never

wavered in his purpose, never let opinion

sway his  resolve to stay the course, never

followed & always led, never listened, never

learned, never let the facts get in the way

& always did what his little god -- an endless

whining feedback tone like tinnitus – demanded.

God damn it to fucking hell you shitheel

moron I never punt. Now get those bodies.

Joseph Duemer
Professor of Humanities
Clarkson University

This kicks ass.  Good work.