

I don't think he qualifies as f*m**s.

At 02:49 PM 2/12/2007, you wrote:
>>If we must do this let's remember that poets are people (even us), 
>>unlike, say, Paris Hilton. One man or woman's anecdote is another's 
>>violation of dignity or privacy. How about we restrict it to the dead?
>Aw, that means I cain't talk about the time I met a pote called M*rk W**ss.
>Also, rules out -- or is Alexander Scott dead yet? (the recent 
>Children-of-MacDiarmid-generation one, not the older sonneteer) -- 
>the annecdote of how I came (at one point -- time moves on) to be 
>the Only Lesbian Scottish Poet Ever.
>No fun!