The IAML (UK & Irl) Courses and Education Committee invites you to attend a one-day course on music reference sources at Hertfordshire County Council Training Centre, New Barnfield, Hatfield, Herts on Wednesday 21st March 2007, 9.30 for 10a.m.-4.45 p.m.


The course will provide an overview of the principal printed and electronic reference sources available for music enquiries. It will include discussion of subject guides, dictionaries and encyclopedias, catalogues and abstracting and indexing tools. In addition, the course will outline web searching and enquiry handling tips, and update participants on current music resource discovery projects. There will be opportunities to use a selection of the resources discussed in four "hands on" sessions.


There will be an opportunity to visit the Hertfordshire County Music Library, which is on the same site.


New Barnfield is easily accessible by car and buses run to the site. The nearest station is Hatfield (1 1/2 miles). A map is available on


Trainers: Christopher Cipkin (Reading University Library) and Amelie Roper (British Library)


Cost: £60 per person to include lunch and refreshments (IAML members £45; students £30).


For more details and a booking form, contact Ann Keith(email [log in to unmask])The closing date for bookings is Monday 12th March and numbers are limited to 14.



Ann Keith

Christ's College

Cambridge CB2 3BU


01223- 334905

e-mail: [log in to unmask]