

Hi everyone
I am currently doing a project in a secondary school in London looking at students with Specific Learning Differences. Part of my role is to screen students to identify who is in the "high risk" category for Dyslexia so that I can then invite them to attend some workshops on study skills that I will be running.
Does anyone have any suggestions of screening tools that are effective and efficacious at identifying SpLD in students aged 11-19. I have been told that the DAST is used alot and know there is a primary and secondary version of it available - but would like to know if anyone uses anything else that is good? Also does anyone know of any group screens that are available? We eventually want to screen the whole school and I thought some group measures would be quicker to administer.
Thanks for any feedback
Shareen Taylor
Learning and Teaching Co-ordinator (Project Officer)/
Learning Support Aid
Inclusion Department
QK School
Marlborough Hill