

Books in Braille

I am trying to locate several books in Braille:

The Two Executioners-Fernando Arrabal (London: John Calder 1962)
The Bald Prima Donna, trans.-Antonio Ionesco (Donald Watson (London: Calder, 1977.)

I have checked on reveal web and although it says they are available via RNIB or NLB the student has contacted them and they are not available. We have tried the publisher but they do not have them in electronic as they are very old texts. What do I do now? Do I need to get the books transferred into electronic, then into Braille can anyone suggest a company, how expensive is this likely to be?

Any answers/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Emma Uden
Disability Adviser
Student Enabling Centre
University of Wolverhampton
Tel: 01902 321353
Fax:01902 321021