

Well - if you reindex k,l,h then your cell will be more or less the same 
as theirs.

But that moves the 2 fold axis. If your space group is truly P21212 with 
those cell dimensions then it would become P21 2 21

However maybe you just know the point group?

Check the absences

U Sam wrote:
> Hi
> I crystallized a protein in different condition than reported before 
> and structure had been already reported by other group. In both cases 
> space group is P21 21 2
> Right now I am not interested in solving the structure, but to look 
> for some other properties.
> I see a difference in cell dimension as follows.
> Reported structure
> a = 96.54
> b = 121.95
> c = 75.33
> For my crystal
> a = 75.03
> b = 96.50
> c = 121.98
> This the cell dimensions are ~equal in lengths but are associated with 
> different axis compare to the reported crysta structure. I used 
> HKL2000 for indexing.
> I would like to know why the above difference in cell dimensions.
> Is there any way I can index my data which would give cell parameters 
> of reported structure?
> thanks in advance for any suggestion/comments.
> sam
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