

Thank you for all the replies.

@ Kris
It is not the problem of single gas bubbles, but of solved gas. I 
prepared the sample in the middle of December and it still degases that 
means bubbles appear. They can be removed but after a few days new ones 
are coming up. I'm doing NMR and the shimming always gets worse if this 
appears. So it is difficult to get a good 3D dataset if in the middle of 
the measurement the sensitivity breaks down.
I'm searching for a way to simple degas the sample. I put it in normal 
vacuum in tube, but that doesn't work good because of the small surface. 
Enlarging the surface would create the risk of abstracting too much 
water so that the concentration rises to fast and the Protein aggregates.
Is there another way?
Tomorrow I will try there syringe method.
