

   I'd use Mtz2various to convert .mtz file to .phs format. The format
of .phs file is like below:
   0   0   9   29.5   0.14  220.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0

   0   0  12  160.5   0.97  109.0   -4.5    2.4   -0.9    1.2

   0   0  15   72.6   0.87   56.0   36.5   10.5  -12.6   -7.9

   0   0  18  195.6   0.98  133.0   -0.8    4.4    0.7    0.3

   0   0  21  149.7   0.98  143.0   -9.4    4.6   -0.5    0.6

   0   0  24  245.6   0.98   89.0    1.9    2.3    0.2   -1.3  proces
   How should I define the Ouput Fortran format? I used '(3i4,7f7.1)'
and made the first
three columns processed as generic int, others generic real, but the
result was not right
like the model,.

Li yang