

Hello Everyone

Thanks for all the responses.

Many were about twinning detection.  IMO, the best tip was toward the  
cctbx utilities (I think these come from the phenix developers??) for  
twinning detection and detwinning.  The output from mmtbx.xtriage and  
mmtbx.twin_map_utils is particularly clear. (Thanks to Peter Zwart  
and Bill Scott)

In the particular case of the (not so) hypothetical dataset I was  
concerned about - that dataset is not twinned, rather the struck  
refinement was due to severe data anisotropy [not noticed during late  
night synchrotron data reduction but detected with sfcheck  - we  
hadn't yet figured that out when I posted the message.]  A run  
through the anisotropy server at UCLA
has unstuck the  refinement and made the maps much more pleasing.


Sue Roberts
Biochemistry & Biopphysics
University of Arizona

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