


Hi Everyone,


Nancy Adler just came out with a lovely, uplifting piece on Art and Leadership in the Academy of Management Learning and Education (2006: 5/4: 486-499). Given David Atkinson’s and Mary Jo Hatch’s recent posts (leader as artist literature), I think the paper is quite relevant and well worth reading. I’m attaching it here (hope that’s okay Nancy!—and Ken, sorry, I know attachments screw up the digest format, but bear with me this time). 


Thanks for writing this one Nancy—you’ve managed to pull a lot of important threads together. Very importantly, I think the paper legitimizes and mainstreams artistic perspectives much more (which is certainly a boon for those of us trying to bring these perspectives into MBA land). In some ways, I think the paper itself is a piece of art—you’ve taken the ethereal, esoteric perspective of art and upended it into a solid foundational platform, not just for the business world, but for the political and human-kindness world. It’s peppery prose reads as a kind of call-to-arms (arms that paint and play), and I for one feel quite inspired by it. Daved