

Hi Katrin and all,
if a person that for many years trained as manager puts on a hat of an artist, but without having the experience or knowledge of the paradigms hold in the art field, is that person wearing the same hat as a person who does has that knowledge and has experience because of many years of training?
if a person that for many years trained as artist puts on a hat of a manager, but without having the experience or knowledge of the paradigms hold in the management field, is that person wearing the same hat as a person who does has that knowledge and has experience because of many years of training?
ps: and now for something completely different, since I am living in Istanbul I cannot wonder if the 'artist' or 'leader' concepts do not follow some pattern that is similar to that of the concept of the 'oriental' both in that these words are infused with certain histories, are to broad to handle without contextualisation, and have some issues with 'otherness'? I am just making free associations here.