

Dear All - I have adapted a copy of my posting to our sister weblist BERA-Practitioner-Researcher
Apologies for cross-posting.  The PR list has been discussing details of portfolio representation.

I'm just catching up on reading emails after a fantastic trip to Japan to witness the growth of the 
action research movement there. By the way - there is some AMAZING action research going on in 
Kobe schools - I was lucky enough to be invited to observe a science lesson at Akashi Elementary. 
I remember watching another teacher in a downtown public school with her student researchers 
during an earlier visit to the city.  In Tokorosawa near Tokyo there are stunning advances in action 
research among teachers - the Teachers' Centre is so well supported by Tadashi Asada who is a 
professor at the nearby Waseda University and they have agreed to devote major funding to AR.

I digress (happily!)  I wonder if the MA module that was developed in conjunction with teachers at 
Bitterne Park and Westwood St Thomas Schools, which integrates mentoring and action research 
might offer useful avenues to explore in portfolio preparation based on self study action research? 
I have attached an early draft copy of the module and you are most welcome to develop it further.
(Please, if you do so, I'd ask that you fully acknowledge the source of any work that you develop.)
The DfES and National Teacher Research panel here in England acknowledge the world-class PR 
that emanated from studying this module - portfolios were developed on-line using KEEP Toolkit 
technology - you can access many examples of teachers' portfolios from the homepage of
Has anyone on this list developed portfolio forms of submission in teacher research they'd share?

Warm regards,
