

Hi  FSLers, 

My first pass with a group analysis was error free but the data I was using had yet to be 
normalized. After normalizing datasets for a group analysis, I received the following message 
listed below.

I believe the source of the problem to be that the 'mask voxel' total is set to 0 but not sure why 
this is so. Also, I was able to run the same analysis when using data that was not yet normalized 
without a problem - could this be the product of the altered values in the indiviual cope images? 
Any advice?


/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/flame --cope=filtered_func_data --vc=var_filtered_func_data  --
mask=mask --ld=stats --dm=design.mat --cs=design.grp --tc=design.con  --ols --nj=10000 
--bi=500 --se=1 --fm --zlt=100000 --zut=100000
Log directory is: stats
Setting up:
No f contrasts
njumps = 10000
burnin = 500
sampleevery = 1
nsamples = 9500

Metropolis Hasting Sampling
Number of voxels=0
Percentage done:

Saving results

Log directory was: stats

echo 15 > stats/dof

/bin/rm -f stats/zem* stats/zols* stats/mask*

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/smoothest -d 15 -m mask -r stats/res4d > stats/smoothness
WARNING: Extreme smoothness detected in X - possibly biased global estimate.
WARNING: Extreme smoothness detected in Y - possibly biased global estimate.
WARNING: Extreme smoothness detected in Z - possibly biased global estimate.

rm -f stats/res4d*

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/avwmaths stats/zstat1 -mas mask thresh_zstat1

echo 309223 > thresh_zstat1.vol
zstat1: DLH=nan VOLUME=309223 RESELS=nan

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/cluster -i thresh_zstat1 -c stats/cope1 -t 2.3 -p 0.05 -d nan --
volume=309223 --othresh=thresh_zstat1 -o cluster_mask_zstat1 --connectivity=26 --mm --
olmax=lmax_zstat1_std.txt > cluster_zstat1_std.txt

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/cluster2html . cluster_zstat1 -std

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/avwstats thresh_zstat1 -l 0.0001 -R
2.300080 9.533768 
Rendering using zmin=2.300080 zmax=9.533768

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/overlay 1 0 example_func -a thresh_zstat1 2.300080 9.533768 

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/slicer rendered_thresh_zstat1 -S 2 750 rendered_thresh_zstat1.png

/bin/cp /Applications/fsl/fsl/etc/luts/ramp.gif .ramp.gif

mkdir tsplot

/Applications/fsl/fsl/bin/tsplot . -f filtered_func_data -o tsplot

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat1.txt' using 1 title 'data' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat1.txt' 
using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat1.txt' using 3 title 'full model fit' 
with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: MissingAnImageFilename.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat1.txt' using 4 title 'reduced data' with lines , 'tsplot/
tsplot_zstat1.txt' using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: MissingAnImageFilename.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplotc_zstat1.txt' using 1 title 'data' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplotc_zstat1.txt' 
using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplotc_zstat1.txt' using 3 title 'full model 
fit' with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: MissingAnImageFilename.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplotc_zstat1.txt' using 4 title 'reduced data' with lines , 'tsplot/
tsplotc_zstat1.txt' using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: MissingAnImageFilename.

Finished FEAT at Fri Feb 23 15:14:22 PST 2007
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