
Happy New Year to everyone !

I am still trying to solve the same problem from last year.

Our study c
onsists of five sessions, each with 136 volumes. Now, each session had 4 events.

Whenever there are no events to model e.g. no misses I tried embedding in the script the parameter to accept the value 'none' and SPM does accept the value as 'none' . Is this the right way to do it ?

Now, some of the session events have only one value to model. i.e. only one miss
SPM does not create the column for the regressor and only include one column for the event.

I checked in the SPM structure and all the values including the onset and the corresponding regressor seem to exist.
Is there a problem if my event has only one value ?

Some of our code: (for one event it looks like this)

                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).name = 'ArousalScore';
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).h = 1;  % order of polynomial expansion
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).P(1).i = [1 2];
                SPM.Sess (ses).U(count).P(1).P = [6.65];
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).ons = [274];
                SPM.Sess(ses).U(count).dur = 0; 

I need to create the column for this since while creating the contrasts at a much broader level e.g. modeling just the misses I combine all the misses from all sessions.

Any help would be most appreciated !


Ninad Gujar