I have just stumbled upon the website http://www.kipling.org.ru/ whilst looking to see who was citing our own website.
If you are interested in seeing what some of RK's stories and verse looks like in Russian, or want to stretch your mind working out which stories are presented, then it really is worth a look. There are some images of RK on one page (Галерея), a biography (Биография), and translations of some of the works including Kim, "If—", and "The Three Musketeers".
Try this one as a variation on John R's quote of the week:
Малвени, Ортерис и Лиройд - рядовые роты "Б" одного английского полка
и мои закадычные приятели. Когда они вместе, во всем полку, я думаю, хоть и
не уверен, не найдется солдат, более ловких на всякие проделки.
Yours, David

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