

Obviously I misread the question. It was just a list of three theorists
without any intended pairing. Nietzsche would be important for the
eternal return and critique of all vales, in philosophy. I was quite
curious as to why Marx would be excluded... but a misreading, so no

On Sat, 2007-01-27 at 03:21 -0800, MC Ward wrote:
> Chris, thanks for your exegesis on Marx--but my
> question was why Marx and Freud are paired with
> Nietzche instead of Darwin, the usual third figure who
> ushered in (or tried to, at least) modernity. I just
> don't see Nietzche as on a par with Marx and Freud.
> Not that he's unimportant--far from it--but rather
> that he has agendas otherwise.