

What an appropriate time of year it is for transitions. I have been a
quiet soul here, but am still very grateful to Alison and Rudoph for
the excellent work they've put in -- and will throw in my voice in
welcoming Anny and Joe to the job!

> > In the north we used to have Saint Lucy and she is celebrated on December
> > 13, then there is Santa Claus or Heiliger Nikolaus, or in the South Baby
> > Jesus_

We celebrate Lucy on the 13th, all the preschool children dress in
white tunics and carry candles through the dark, singing songs for
Lucy. The oldest carry a crown of candles in their hair.

No La Befana, though this is the weekend Christmas usually gets
cleaned out. The 20th day used to be "Knut's mass" (I kid you not),
where St. Knut came as part of a large and slightly frightening
procession and took away Christmas. I only know of one place this last
one is still celebrated, in Sweden.
