A quick reminder, last day for applications February 10, 2007


Apologies for cross-posting




A postdoc position for a newly graduated Ph.D. holder in the area of bibliometrics is open for applications. The work will be carried out at the Head Office of the Lund University Libraries in Lund, Sweden.


The Lund University Library system is continuously involved in studies and policy issues within the area of scientific communication and has been an important player in the developments through e.g. a national resource centre (Sciecom.org) and the conference series NCSC - Nordic Conferences on Scholarly Communication. The office is currently involved in a major expansion of its bibliometric services.


The position has a generous setup through Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities and allows for five years of funding and mentoring in a trainee model. The program also includes 25% of local activities to connect the position to the Head Office.


For more information on the position and application instructions, please see http://www.lub.lu.se/trainee_en.shtml.


Best regards,

Håkan Carlsson

Lund University Library, Head Office
P.O. Box 134
SE-221 00 LUND

Ph. +46 46 222 1530
Fax +46 46 222 3682