You are invited to a two day special symposium on:


With keynote speakers:
Michel Jébrak, Wayne Barnett, David Cooke

on June 26th (1.00pm start) - June 27th 2007
at: James Cook University, Townsville, Australia

with post-symposium field trip to Mt. Leyshon, June 28th

Contributions on any aspect of breccias are invited
Deadline for Abstracts: 30th April 2007

This symposium focuses on the description and characterisation of fragmented rocks, brecciation mechanisms, and economic aspects of these intriguing rocks. Topics may include fault-related brecciation, the development of regionally brecciated terrains, fracture and fluid flow, fragmentation and transport mechanisms at surface and at different crustal levels, the identification of strain rates in breccias, numerical modelling of brecciation processes, mapping & sampling techniques in brecciated ore bodies, and comparative evaluation of ore deposit hosting breccias. Some examples to be discussed will be from Kimberlites, Mount Isa (both regional and deposit studies), and from the Charters Towers region.
Rowena Duckworth,
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
James Cook University,
Townsville QLD 4812,
Tel. +61 7 4781 4597
Email [log in to unmask]
FAX number +61 7 4725 1501
Tom Blenkinsop,                 Email [log in to unmask]
School of Earth Sciences,    Tel. 617 4781 4318                                
James Cook University,       FAX  617 4725 1501                               
QLD4811,                          Deformation Microstructures and Mechanisms in Rocks
Australia                  ,11855,5-40109-22-33650907-0,00.html