

No - avwmeants gets you the mean "time series" from a 4D input file using a mask or chosen co-
ordinate; you have chosen the 3D cluster probability image output by randomise as your input so 
this won't give anything useful.

If you want the timeseries (across subjects) of FA averaged over a mask then you need to input the 
all_FA_skeletonised image and make sure that the mask is appropriate for the question you have.

Cheers, Steve.

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 19:27:57 +0000, bs Jeong <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I did TBSS and have gotton all_FA_skeletonised image and statistical images
>(e.g.: tbss_maxc_tstat.nii.gz).
>I'd like to get mean FA values of certain region of all_FA_skeletonised
>image using a statistical image as a ROI.
>To do this, is avwmeants command with -m needed?
>(avwmeants -i tbss_maxc_tstat.nii.gz -o meants.txt -m statistical_image)
>Am I correct?