


avwmaths++ input_image -Xmean -Ymean -Zmean output_timeseries

will generate an image which contains one voxel for each timepoint
which has an intensity equal to the 3D mean.

This will take the zero voxels into account.
But you can always divide by the mean of an mask image (either 4D
or 3D) using avwmaths++ to restore it to the mean of the non-zero
voxels only.

Also, if you want the values output in a text file rather than an image
file format, then you can use
   avwmeants -i output_timeseries -o output_ts.txt

All the best,

On 4 Jan 2007, at 15:29, Mustafa Anjari wrote:

> Dear FSL users
> I have a series of 4D image datasets, and want to find the mean image
> intensity for each of the 3D volumes in each dataset. Currently, I  
> am doing
> this by first using avwsplit and generating separate 3D datafiles,  
> and then
> running avwstats -M on each. Is there a way to do this without  
> having to
> create the 3D files?
> Thanks,
> Mustafa
> ----------------------------------------------
> Mustafa Anjari
> Imaging Sciences Department
> Clinical Sciences Centre
> Imperial College London
> Hammersmith Hospital
> Du Cane Road
> London W12 0HS
> UK