

I used version 1.0.13 for the first time and it crashed with a project that
has been fine with a previous version. This is the output in the shell:

Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in
['            target = getByKey(clazz,fullKey)\n']
Deprecated: getByKey called with too short key
from loadDelayedData line 1100 in /usr/local/ccpnmr1.0.13/ccpnmr1.0/python/memop
this goes on and on and on and ends thus:
Deprecated getResonanceGroups called from conv_ccp_Nmr_1_0_213 line 2025 in
    ['  for yy in headObject.resonanceGroups:\n']
Deprecated getExperiments called from conv_ccp_Nmr_1_1_a2 line 2086 in
    ['  for x1 in headObject.experiments:\n']
Deprecated getAxisTypes called from conv_ccpnmr_Analysis_1_1_a2 line 2564 in
    ['  for x0 in headObject.axisTypes:\n']
last xml element read:
<Isotope _ID="_2" massNumber="169" gyroMagneticRatio="-22100000.0"
mass="168.934211" abundance="100.0" receptivity="0.00056599999999999999"
magneticMoment="-0.40000000000000002" spin="1/2">

parser state was:

ERROR loading xml ccp.molecule.ChemElement chemElements.xml

In addition an error window pops up:

Project invalid, please quit, fix and re-start:
constraint value_le_1 violated by value:100.0

any suggestions?