

Hello all and happy new year.

From us here in the north, it is interesting to read what you are doing in
UK, expecially the archives awareness month. I think it is very important
for us in the archives to be constantly reminding the public of our
existance and of our collections and to find new ways to do it.

In December we set up web with Christmas cards and we got 37.000 new
visitors to our web in one month and a total of 129.000 pages looked at.
You can see this at:

We are now preparing for the Museum Night in Reykjavik, which will be
Friday Feb. 23rd. Then we will have open house from 19.00 in the evening
until 01.00 in the morning, a small exhibition and guided tours . But we
also like to have something extra to attract people.

Last year we had the open house and exhibition in our hall about foreign
tourists in Reykjavik, guided tour, film about Reykjavik 1957 and and
slide show of documents in our windows (to look at from the outside), but
also lectures every hour about the following:
1) Tracing your family history (with deCODE database of all Icelanders)
2) Calliography
3) Genealogy for beginner - what sources to use and where to find them.
4) Putting "meat on the bones" of your family history (using photos,
memoriabilia, clothes, other items, oral history etc.)
5) Taking care of your household papers

About 600 people showed up this evening and we had to repeat one of the
lectores (about "meat on the bones") two times the following week. Also
much attention in the media.

Like I said, we are now preparing for the Museum Night 2007 and we want to
be with entirely new program. Do you have any good ideas of what the
public might be interested in or how we could promote us in different way
than the traditional? Any ideas you want us to test how they work ?!!

Interested to hear from you.
Best regards,

Svanhildur Bogadottir, city archivist
Reykjavik Municipal Archives
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