

Risk Management in the Retail Financial Services sector

17th April 2007, 9:45 - 5:30pm
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London, UK

This is a one-day symposium organised by the Quantitative Financial Risk
Management Centre. It will be led by researchers from Imperial College London,
the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh.


"New approaches to modelling Loss Given Default"
Jonathan Crook, Tony Bellotti, Galina Andreeva and Jake Ansell

"Loss Given Default process modelling"
Anna Matuszyk

"Predicting consumer behaviour with ATMs"
Adam Brentnall, Martin Crowder and David Hand

"Plastic Card Fraud Detection using Peer Group analysis"
David Weston

"Incorporating macroeconomic variables into consumer credit analysis"
Tony Bellotti and Jonathan Crook

"Modelling the Credit Risk of Consumer Loans through Survival Analysis"
Madhur Malik and Lyn Thomas

"Selection Bias in Credit Scoring"
I-Ding Wu and David Hand

"Choosing credit limits to maximise Profit: Markov Decision Process approach"
Meko So and Lyn Thomas

"Modelling of SME default over different definitions of Financial distress"
Jake Ansell, Galina Andreeva and Shu Min Lin


Pre-registration is required. Fees are £150, or £25 (research students).
Registration forms, abstracts and further information about the event are
available from .

Please contact Adam Brentnall ([log in to unmask]) for further details.