

Hi all,

A bit later than hoped, but there is now a confirmed block booking for
the following people (I don't think the numbering is significant :). The
assumption is that this is for Sunday 21st to Friday 26th January, i.e.
5 nights. Please let me know: a) if you wanted different dates; b) if
you have booked a hostel room independently (so the hostel can match the
bookings); c) if you do not need the booking at all. Note that any hotel
booking should be cancelled in favour of the hostel unless there is a
strong reason why not.

  It would also be useful if people who are happy with this could still
send me an "OK".


1 Derek Ross
2 Duncan Rand
3 Mark Nelson
4 Sam Skipsey
5 Winnie Lacesso
6 Chris Brew
7 Ewen MacMahon
8 Dominic Wilson
9 Gianfranco Francesco
10 Paul Trepka
11 Colin Morey
12 Santanu Das
13 David Colling
14 Giuseppe Mazza
15 Peter Love
16 Simon George
17 David Martin
18 Dave Kelsey
19 Jeremy Coles
20 Martin Bly
21 Andrew Sansum
22 Marian Klein
23 Greig Cowan
24 Jens Jensen
25 Andrew Elwell
26 Gordon Brown
27 Stephen Burke
28 Neil Geddes
29 Olivier van der Aa
30 Alessandra Forti
31 Graeme Stweart
32 Peter Gronbech
33 Shaunde Witt
34 Dave Kant