

I'm trying to choose between Transana and Transcriber to recommend to 
our student for transcription (and maybe analysis) of audio 
recordings of interviews. I cannot find any comparisons of the 
programs. Both seem to be alive and widely used (Transana discussion 
board makes it look more alive). I came to terms with Transcriber 
faster than with Transana.

So far we have been an Atlas/Ti shop. Many of the transcripts 
produced will be exported to Atlas, so the ease and extent of 
exportation is an issue for us. On the other hand, both programs seem 
to provide for the analysis (coding., annotation, 
search&retrieve,...) needs also, and some of us are dreaming of 
working on the audio-material directly instead of transcribing 
everything, so a comparison of these features would also be welcome.

 -Timo Harmo, Faculty of Social Sciences, U of Helsinki