


The problem of pnfs directories being owned by root has cropped up before. 
You made the right decision in setting it back to ops:ops. I think the 
problem happens now and again when there is a high load on the server.

As for the log files, I'm not too sure. Just checking, but you realise
that the logs are all in /var/log by default now? The directory is defined
by the logArea varaible in the dCacheSetup file. If this was not set when 
you started up your dCache then that could explain your lack of logging. 
Looks like a restart may be required.


On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Matt Doidge wrote:

> Hello chaps and chappettes,
> I've got a bit of a mystery here today involving Lancaster repeatedly
> failing the ops replica manager sfts. Checking the error messages they
> were having permission denied problems. I followed it up, and sure
> enough the directory /pnfs/
> was owned by root:root. I manually switched it to the correct
> permissions, which seems to make the sft jobs happier, and now I'm
> trying to figure out why such an oddity happened.
> Checking the billing db and logs it seems like there was no access by
> ops prior to the permission change this afternoon. Checking my other
> logs lead me to mystery number 2- none of my log files are being
> filled since I restarted dcache on Tuesday, which is quite worrying.
> As far as I can see there's nothing that I changed that would have
> effected things (I was going to change which directory the billing
> logs were sent to, but in the chaos of the AC breakdown I forgot to
> set it).
> So I have 2 mysteries here, and no easy way to check what happened to
> cause them. Anyone seen similar phenomena? Brian reckons there have
> been sightings of pnfs directories being created with the root
> permissions before (perhaps at RAL?) but I'm afraid I couldn't track
> the case down. The empty log files are particular worrying, in fact
> they're the stuff of sysadmin nightmares. But other then restarting
> dcache and hoping (which for one would annoy the 20 or so people
> transfering files at the moment) I'm not sure what to do!
> cheers,
> Matt, feeling quite dramatic today.

Dr Greig A Cowan               
School of Physics, University of Edinburgh, James Clerk Maxwell Building
