

Wayne Boucher wrote:

>On the annotation pointer front, I discovered that the code to turn them
>on an off had the plumbing already in place except (crucially) that the
>C function at the bottom of the pile forgot to use it (!) and the Python
>world wasn't set up yet to invoke it.  The former is easy to fix (well,
>it's already fixed on my computer) but the latter involves deciding at
>what granularity to allow this to happen.  (Vicky Higman suggests at
>spectrum or peak list level with the option of switching them all globally
>on/off as well.)
>This leads to a related question.  I am now adding in the ability to
>change the annotation font and size.  Again the question is whether this
>should be a global setting or by peak list or by peak list and window
>(which seems a bit over the top).  Obviously with all these things the
>finer granularity you model it the finer control you have but it can
>become a pain to do the control.  (If it is by peak list we could add an
>option to set all globally to be the same, again.)

In general I feel that most people don't have a need for different 
fonts  on different spectra.  However, I can see a utility to having 
different font sizes on different windows and spectra....

>There are a few limitations on this font setting.  We are probably going
>to restrict to a few common fonts such as Times, Courier and Helvetica.
why? as long as you have a fallback font you can always display allowing 
almost any font for the display window is not a porblem surely?

>We will also limit the font sizes to some sensible range.  Tk and
>Postscript / PDF should cope with these no problem.  OpenGL is a different
>matter.  I just checked two glut installations, on the Mac and on a Linux
>box.  If you grep for GLUT_BITMAP in glut.h you get (in these two cases):
>so you can see that the choice is limited.  I'm not sure if 9x15 and 8x13
>would count as Courier or not.

One alternative would to be to allow the use of all alternatives 
currently available on the users system. Then you have a once per change 
/ startup check if the font was unavailable and then inform the user of 
the problem and the correction to take. You would then use the default 
font whenever you  try to load the one that is unavavailable.

>And in another data model question, we are adding the ability to show 1D
>slices on the 2D canvas, so on the crosshairs.  The way we have modeled
>this is to turn the X and Y slices (independently) on or off by window but
>even if this is on, a spectrum's slice is drawn in that window only if the
>corresponding "isSliceVisible" attribute is set.  This is the same
>attribute that determines if the spectrum slice is drawn in the existing
>1D panels at the bottom and side of the window.  

are the panels going away then? It would be a pain to have the panels 
and the cursor slice controlled by thesame attribute...

>We could see no reason to
>introduce another variable for this situation.  (This attribute can be set
>in the top table in the next-to-last column of the Window -> Mapped
>Spectra dialog.)

One interesting point: currently on my system with the latest 
release1.0.12  pdf printing gives pages with helvetica as a font. 
Acrobat is translating into a null font with bullets instead of 
characters.... However, prior to the upgrade everything printed fine...

another interesting point is that the print dialog has a page size of 
'other' but it is not obvious how to set the  paper size correctly on 
the resulting text box

Dr Gary Thompson
Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology,
University of Leeds, Astbury Building,
Leeds, LS2 9JT, West-Yorkshire, UK             Tel. +44-113-3433024
email: [log in to unmask]                   Fax  +44-113-2331407