

Dyma ddyfyniad o'r we:
"The term life limiting illness is used here to describe illnesses where it is expected that death will be a direct consequence of the specified illness. ... A life limiting illness might be expected to shorten an individual's life. This differs from a chronic illness where, even though there may be significant impact on the patient's abilities and quality of life, there is likely to be a less direct relationship between the illness and the person's death."
O edrych yn gyflym ar rai o'r enghreifftiau eraill ar y we, dwi'n cael yr argraff mai dyma'r ffordd y defnyddir y term amlaf, sef byrhau oes yr unigolyn.
Byddai hefyd o gymorth pe bai'r ymadrodd yn weddol o gryno - mae'n tueddu i godi mewn cymalau sydd eisoes yn eithaf hir.