

Dear all,

As you know JISC and JISC infoNet have engaged Emmerson Consulting to
update the existing records management tools which were previously known
collectively as the 'Study of the Records Lifecycle.

Based on the consultation undertaken to date and additional research
carried out by Emmerson Consulting a draft version of the new Business
Classification Scheme is now available and we would appreciate your
views on it.  Further information about the project, the draft version,
plus an online form for submitting your comments is available from
ntro . Please note that this is a draft, and especially that its current
format (Excel Spreadsheets) is only for the purpose of this round of
consultation and does not represent its final format.  

There will also be an opportunity to comment on the draft Records
Retention Schedule in early December and a separate announcement to this
effect will follow in due course.

Alongside this project JISC infoNet and Emmerson Consulting recently
hosted an Expert Forum in Birmingham which brought together an
invitation-only group of records professionals from the HE sector to
discuss issues relating to the practical implementation of retention
schedules within HEIs and their future as a records management tool.
The day proved to be a lively and stimulating one which touched on many
relevant and interesting areas.  The outputs from this event are also
now available at
rum  These include the presentations which preceded each discussion
session plus a summary of the main points raised during the discussions.
These should be of considerable interest to anyone undertaking retention
activity within their institution.
With best wishes


Steve Bailey
Record & Information Manager

Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 07092 302850
Skype ID: steve-bailey

Anything in this message which does not clearly relate to the official
work of the sender's organisation shall be understood as neither given
nor endorsed by that organisation.
