

It's Thanksgiving and that means we have another menu poem for you to enjoy!
This year our guest of honor is John Ashbery. This is a series of poems
based loosely around a menu of the meal I would cook for you should you come
to my home for Thanksgiving. Since it's impossible for you to come, I offer
these simple poems for warmth. This is free and in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
This was written during a power outage so the main course is a longish hand
written piece. Also included are 3 of my most requested recipes.  
Enjoy, Geoffrey 

Thanksgiving 2006: a feast to honor John Ashbery, by Geoffrey Gatza is part
of an annual thanksgiving poem series. This is the fifth installment in that
series which include menu poems for: 

Thanksgiving 2006 Menu Poem : Guest of Honor John Ashbery

direct poem link


----------------------    A  L  S  O  ------------------------------------

Thanksgiving Poems : Five years of feasts! Honoring Charles Bernstein, 
Forrest Gander, Kent Johnson, Robert Creeley & John Ashbery 

Thanksgiving is not at all like Saturnalia. In America, the third Thursday
is reserved to celebrate the giving of thanks. The thanks for all that we
are, what we have, those who have graced our lives, and so on. This is also
a bloody marking of the genocide performed to gain this land. One must never
forget what died to feed. 

Innocuous enough, Thanksgiving is the most appropriate means to hold this
kind of thing. That thing is an odd blending of cooking and poetry. I am a
chef in my day job and how I come to understand art is through this first
love. Cuisine has a natural ease to bring out many complex ideas, as cooking
brings out complexities from seemingly simple foods. And a dinner party,
virtual or not, [

Thanksgiving Menu Poems Past : webpage 

Thanksgiving 2002 Charles Bernstein
Thanksgiving 2003 Forrest Gander
Thanksgiving 2004 Kent Johnson 
Thanksgiving 2005 Robert Creeley

All five years in one FREE PDF
Get it now in one file !